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ICHRA | Jun 28, 2024

Understanding ICHRAs: A Guide to Innovative Health Benefit Solutions 

Last Updated on July 19, 2024 In recent years, Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangements (ICHRAs) have emerged as a flexible and customizable option for employers seeking to provide health benefits to their employees. According to a study done by the HRA Council, ICHRA adoption grew 29% year-over-year between 2023 to 2024. This innovative approach offers […]

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Artificial Intelligence | Jul 16, 2024

The Role of AI in Hiring Practices: Exploring the Benefits, Drawbacks and Regulatory Landscape

Last Updated on July 16, 2024 As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve, its applications across various business functions have become increasingly prominent. One area where AI is making significant strides is in hiring practices. Continue reading to delve into the use of AI in recruitment, and examine its advantages, potential challenges and the regulatory […]

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ADA | May 13, 2024

Ensuring ADA Compliance: A Case Study on Disability Discrimination and Best Hiring Practices

Last Updated on June 25, 2024 Recently, GMRI, Inc., operating as Olive Garden, resolved a significant lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) concerning disability discrimination during the hiring process. This case sheds light on critical legal standards that every employer should adhere to. It also highlights how organizations like MyHRConcierge can […]

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Fair Labor Standards Act | May 22, 2024

Hiring Minors: A Comprehensive Guide for Employers

Last Updated on June 22, 2024 Child labor laws in the United States are designed to safeguard the educational opportunities and health of minors. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) administers the laws that regulate hiring minors at the federal level, ensuring minors are not employed under conditions detrimental to their well-being. Here’s a comprehensive […]

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MHRC Services | Jun 12, 2024

Unlocking HR Efficiency: The Synergy of MyHRConcierge and MyHRScreens

Last Updated on June 19, 2024 In the dynamic landscape of Human Resources (HR) management, efficiency and accuracy are crucial. HR professionals are constantly seeking innovative solutions to streamline their processes, while maintaining compliance and ensuring the well-being of their workforce. MyHRConcierge and MyHRScreens are two companies that employers can use together to simplify and […]

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MyHRBuzz Podcast | Jun 13, 2024

Exciting News: The MyHRBuzz Podcast Moves to Podbean! 

Last Updated on June 13, 2024 We are thrilled to announce an exciting update for the MyHRBuzz Podcast! With a commitment to delivering an even better experience for our listeners, the MyHRBuzz Podcast moves to Podbean. This move represents a significant milestone in our podcasting journey, and we’re delighted to share the details with you.  […]

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Workforce Management | Jun 04, 2024

Prioritizing HR Well-Being: The Key to a Thriving Workplace Culture

Last Updated on June 10, 2024 In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environments, the role of Human Resources (HR) professionals has become increasingly critical. HR departments are tasked with managing employee relations, recruiting top talent, fostering a positive work culture and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations. However, amidst these responsibilities, the mental health and […]

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Alerts | Aug 30, 2023

Overtime Changes: Impacts and Insights

Last Updated on June 9, 2024 The Department of Labor published its updated federal overtime rule on April 23, 2024. The ruling defines the exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales and Computer employees’ EAP exemption. The rule is slated to go into effect July 1, 2024. On August 30, 2023, the Department of Labor […]

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Workforce Management | Mar 30, 2024

Employer Tips For Preventing Sexual Harassment Claims

According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), employers have a duty to investigate sexual harassment complaints and must take actions to prevent the recurrence of such offensive conduct in their workplace. In addition to these actions, an employer should have a sexual harassment policy in place outlining the company’s intolerance for sexual harassment.

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Federal Law Updates | Mar 25, 2024

How Bonuses Affect Overtime Under the FLSA

Last Updated on April 13, 2024 The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a cornerstone of labor law in the United States, ensuring that most employees receive at least the federal minimum wage for all hours worked and appropriate overtime compensation. This article discusses how bonuses affect overtime for non-exempt employees, providing essential insights for […]

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Federal Law Updates | Mar 16, 2024

NLRB Joint-Employer Rule Struck Down

Last Updated on July 23, 2024 Update: On July 12, 2024, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) made the decision to abandon the 2023 Joint Employer rule, following a federal district court’s decision. The NLRB filed a motion with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, seeking dismissal of its challenge. While the NLRB still finds this […]

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Federal Law Updates | Jan 21, 2024

Employee or Independent Contractor Classification Under the FLSA Final Rule

Last Updated on January 21, 2024 New Department of Labor Rule Redefines Independent Contractor Classification, Shifting from 2021 Independent Contractor Guidelines In a significant development for employers and workers across the United States, the Department of Labor (DOL) has introduced a new rule, effective March 11, 2024, to redefine the criteria for independent contractor classification […]

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Federal Law Updates | Jan 16, 2024

Understanding FMLA: A Comprehensive Guide for Employers

Last Updated on January 16, 2024 The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) is designed to help employees balance their work and family responsibilities by allowing them to take reasonable unpaid leave for certain family and medical reasons. This federal law requires covered employers to provide employees with job-protected and unpaid leave (generally […]

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ADA | Jan 06, 2024

Understanding ADA Employee Leave Confidentiality Guidelines

Last Updated on January 21, 2024 Navigating the intricacies of employee leave within the framework of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a critical aspect of modern human resource management. A key component of this navigation is adhering to the ADA Employee Leave Confidentiality Guidelines and not making common ADA compliance mistakes. This comprehensive […]

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Employment Screening | Dec 17, 2023

Comprehensive Employee Screening Guide for Employers

Last Updated on February 11, 2024 In the fast-paced and ever-changing business world, the importance of a Comprehensive Employee Screening Guide for a robust and effective employee screening program cannot be overstated. This critical process not only aids in avoiding bad hires but also ensures that the organization adheres to various legal and regulatory standards. […]

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Workforce Management | Dec 16, 2023

Holiday Party Success: Inclusive and Safe Strategies

Last Updated on December 16, 2023 Holiday parties are a vital aspect of corporate culture, providing an opportunity for employees to relax and bond. However, they can also be seen by employees as opportunities to act inappropriately, which can cause headaches for Human Resources and potentially lead to lawsuits. An example of holiday parties gone […]

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Workforce Management | Nov 28, 2023

Key HR Focus Areas for Success in a Complex Landscape

Last Updated on January 28, 2024 In the complex and ever-evolving landscape of Human Resources (HR), staying compliant with regulations and best practices is a key HR focus area for HR Professionals. HR professionals play a critical role in ensuring that their department adheres to legal requirements, fosters a positive work environment, and contributes to […]

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Employee Handbook | Nov 26, 2023

Year-End HR Compliance Checklist

Last Updated on November 28, 2023 It’s the end of the year and having a year-end HR compliance checklist is a crucial tool to ensure that your organization is meeting all legal and regulatory requirements related to human resources. Below is a checklist that covers various HR compliance areas for the end of the year. […]

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Federal Law Updates | Oct 27, 2023

New NLRB Rule Redefines a Joint Employer

Last Updated on July 23, 2024 Update: On July 12, 2024, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) made the decision to abandon the 2023 Joint Employer rule, following a federal district court’s decision. The NLRB filed a motion with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, seeking dismissal of its challenge. While the […]

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Religious Accommodations | Oct 14, 2023

Addressing Religious Discussions in the Workplace Amidst the Israel-Hamas War

Last Updated on October 15, 2023 In today’s diverse and interconnected world, religious discussions are more common as workplaces often bring together individuals from various cultural and religious backgrounds. While this diversity can be a source of strength and creativity, it can also present challenges when it comes to addressing sensitive topics such as religion. […]

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COBRA | Oct 07, 2023

Navigate COBRA Risks and Find An Outsourcing Solution

Last Updated on November 28, 2023 COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) administration has steadfastly emerged as a significant challenge for employers, intertwining intricacies of legislative mandates with the essential commitment to employee welfare. Employers need to ensure COBRA compliance, while balancing operational priorities, and often seek external expertise to navigate its administration. This article […]

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Affordable Care Act | Sep 25, 2023

Affordable Care Act (ACA) Reporting Year-end Guidance

Last Updated on January 19, 2024 As we approach year’s end, employers must be diligent in ensuring compliance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) reporting requirements. The ACA demands meticulous record-keeping and reporting, leaving no room for error. Failure to do so can lead to significant penalties and fines: The following are tasks designed to […]

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Hiring | Sep 14, 2023

IRS Halts New Employee Retention Credit Claims to Counter Fraud

Last Updated on September 25, 2023 On September 14, 2023, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced an immediate suspension on the processing of new Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims until December 31, 2023. This move comes as a response to a significant rise in fraudulent and suspicious claims. The moratorium aims to introduce stronger protective […]

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Affordable Care Act | Sep 14, 2023

IRS Sets 2024 ACA Affordability Guidelines

Last Updated on October 15, 2023 As 2024 open enrollment approaches, employers need to note a crucial update in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) affordability guidelines, as outlined in the recently published IRS Revenue Procedure 2023-29. The ACA affordability threshold is being reduced to 8.39% for 2024, down from 9.12% in 2023. This adjustment means […]

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COBRA | Sep 12, 2023

MyHRConcierge Announces the Integration of COBRACompli with Employee Navigator for Seamless COBRA Administration

Last Updated on November 28, 2023 MyHRConcierge is excited to announce the integration of COBRACompli, our hallmark COBRA administration service, with Employee Navigator. This strategic integration is aimed at providing enhanced efficiency and seamless operations to our clients and brokers. Eliminating Double Entries, Doubling Efficiency One of the most time-consuming challenges faced by HR teams […]

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Employment Screening | Sep 11, 2023

California Fair Chance Act: Updates Employers Need to Know

Last Updated on September 11, 2023 For years, California employers have been adhering to the State of California Civil Rights Department’s Fair Chance Act, which governs how and when they can use a job applicant’s criminal history in the employment process. Recently, significant amendments have been made to the regulations, with the Office of Administrative […]

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Outsourcing | Aug 20, 2023

Supplementing Internal HR: Key to Human Resources Compliance

Last Updated on November 28, 2023 In the realm of business operations, the domain of Human Resources (HR) holds a pivotal role. For many businesses, there’s a tendency to manage HR tasks internally, believing that it offers more control, reduced costs, and a personalized touch. While these intentions are commendable, the truth is that the […]

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Employee Handbook | Aug 14, 2023

New NLRB Standard For Handbooks Created By Stericycle Ruling

Last Updated on August 14, 2023 The recent landmark ruling by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) on August 2, 2023 in the Stericycle case sets a new standard for employers’ handbooks and policies, requiring many to be reviewed and potentially revised. This momentous decision will impact countless workplace rules and applies to the vast […]

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Conflict | Aug 12, 2023

Addressing Political Discussions in the Workplace

Last Updated on August 12, 2023 The political landscape is ever-changing, and with the rise in political volatility, the workplace has become a battleground for conflicting ideologies. The recent years have witnessed a surge in political debates, controversies, and polarization in workplaces. It is important employers have the appropriate policies in place to address when […]

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Harassment | Aug 07, 2023

Responding to Harassment Claims: A Guide for Employers 

Last Updated on November 28, 2023 Maintaining a productive and compliant workplace is a core tenet for HR professionals. Harassment in the workplace is a deeply serious matter that can have significant consequences for both the individuals involved and the organization as a whole. It is important employers have policies and procedures in place to […]

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Form I-9 | Aug 01, 2023

New Form I-9 Now Available

Last Updated on October 16, 2023 The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services issued the newest version of the Form I-9 on August 1, 2023. Employers must use the new form to verify the identity and employment authorization of their employees hired within the United States. The new form contains changes to the form and instructions. […]

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Form I-9 | Jul 25, 2023

UPDATED: Form I-9 Now More Efficient -Remote Document Verification

Last Updated on October 30, 2023 Please note this article does not contain legal advice and is for informational purposes only In a bid to modernize and enhance the efficiency of the Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9) process, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has introduced a new final rule that offers remote document verification […]

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Form I-9 | Jul 23, 2023

Revised Form I-9 and Remote Employment Eligibility Verification

Last Updated on July 23, 2023 The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) made a significant announcement on July 21, 2023 regarding changes to the Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification. Starting August 1, a revised version of the form will be published, which aims to streamline and shorten the process. In addition, a final rule allowing […]

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Employment Screening | Jul 09, 2023

Importance of Auditing Employee Screening Programs

Last Updated on November 28, 2023 By: MyHRScreens Employee screening programs have become an integral part of businesses and organizations worldwide. These programs are essential tools for ensuring that potential hires align with company values, have the necessary skills and experience, and do not pose potential risks. However, just as it is essential to conduct […]

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PCORI Fees | Jun 26, 2023

PCORI Fees: Who, What, When and How?

Last Updated on June 26, 2023 The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) fee is an essential component of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliance structure. Understanding what PCORI fees are, who needs to file, when it needs to be filed, the rate at which it needs to be paid, and the form on which it […]

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Form I-9 | Jun 20, 2023

Form I-9 and an Authorized Representative

Last Updated on June 20, 2023 Effective April 1, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) provided employers with flexible alternatives to perform Form I-9 documentation inspections due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. These alternatives allowed employers to inspect Form I-9 identity documentation remotely for employees that did not physically report to the company location on […]

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Cannabis | Jun 20, 2023

Outsourcing HR in the Cannabis Industry

Last Updated on April 14, 2024 The cannabis industry is experiencing rapid expansion, presenting both opportunities and challenges for companies operating within the cannabis space and increasing the need for outsourcing human resources (HR). As cannabis businesses expand, managing human resources becomes increasingly complex. In this article, we will explore how outsourcing HR functions can […]

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Cannabis | Jun 12, 2023

Employer Guidance While Navigating State-Specific Cannabis Laws

Last Updated on November 28, 2023 The rapid shift in cannabis laws across states has prompted significant changes in the workplace, as employers struggle to adapt to this evolving landscape. From an employment perspective, Cannabis laws create substantial challenges in developing drug policies and hiring employees. This is especially true with the increase in remote […]

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DEI - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | Jun 07, 2023

Gender Identity: Guidance Under Title VII

Last Updated on August 20, 2023 With the landmark Supreme Court ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia, it was affirmed that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits employment discrimination based on sex, also extends to cover discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. In light of this, it […]

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Form I-9 | May 24, 2023

The Importance of Purging Old Form I-9s

Last Updated on November 28, 2023 In the increasingly complex and compliance-focused world of human resources, Form I-9 – the Employment Eligibility Verification Form – plays a critical role. It’s a required document for every employee working in the United States, helping to affirm their eligibility to work. However, a less discussed but equally crucial […]

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Form I-9 | May 17, 2023

Remote I-9 Document Verification Ends

Last Updated on October 16, 2023 As a result of COVID-19, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) provided flexibility in the requirement to perform in-person physical inspection of identity and employment authorization forms as they relate to the I-9. These flexibilities were initially announced March 2020 and updated in March 2021. On May 5, 2023, […]

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Employment Screening | May 15, 2023

Prioritizing Safety and Efficiency: The Necessity of Drug Testing

Last Updated on September 24, 2023 By: MyHRScreens The success and safety of a company largely depends on the quality of its employees. To ensure this, employers often rely on background screening programs to confirm the professional qualifications and personal integrity of potential hires. While background checks typically include verifying educational credentials, criminal records, and […]

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Paid Sick Leave | May 12, 2023

State Required Paid Sick Leave by State

Last Updated on December 16, 2023 State paid sick leave is becoming a key HR focus area for HR professionals. States and municipalities are becoming more aggressive in instituting state required paid sick leave requirements. Effective January 1, 2024, there are 15 states plus the District of Columbia that have required paid sick leave laws. […]

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Affordable Care Act | May 09, 2023

New E-File Requirements Affect Affordable Care Act Reporting

Last Updated on November 28, 2023 The Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service that will affect how businesses submit their informational returns to the IRS. These regulations will require certain filers to e-file beginning in 2024. The new rules, T.D. 9972, affect filers of partnership returns, corporate income tax returns, unrelated business income […]

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Cannabis | May 08, 2023

What to Know About Employee Screening in the Cannabis Industry

Last Updated on May 8, 2023 By MyHRScreens Employee screening is particularly important in the cannabis industry for several reasons. This industry is unique due to its historical context, regulatory environment, and the nature of the product being sold. Ensuring that employees are properly screened helps to maintain compliance, safety, and professionalism. Key reasons for […]

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Workforce Management | May 04, 2023

Employee Handbooks vs. Policies

Last Updated on November 28, 2023 What Is The Difference Between Employee Handbooks And Policies And Procedures Manuals? An employee handbook is written with employees as the intended audience. It is most often written using a straightforward layout for easy referencing of company policies and procedures and is a vehicle for familiarizing employees with basic […]

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Workforce Management | Apr 23, 2023

Gen Z Is Making Noise In The Workplace

Last Updated on April 25, 2023 A Younger Generation Brings Challenges In Engagement Managers and HR professionals have probably heard of the engagement issues alleged to have infected Millennials and Generation Z in the workplace, as manifested in terms like “quiet quitting.” Of course, workers in any age group can and certainly do engage in […]

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Employee Benefits | Apr 10, 2023

Are You a ‘Covered Employer’ Under the FMLA?

It’s important to note that FMLA obligations don’t kick in unless an employer qualifies as a “covered employer” under the statute.

Sometimes, determining whether an employer is covered can get a little tricky. The questions abound: How many employees must be retained? For how long? What if we straddle the minimum number over the course of time? What about part-time employees? Those on leave? And the list goes on.

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Employee Handbook | Mar 13, 2023

Pay Transparency Is on the Horizon

As the number of states that require pay transparency rises, it’s clear that the trend of pay transparency is not going away. Just because the state you’re operating in doesn’t yet require disclosing salary or pay equity information, it’s advised that you don’t wait until it does.

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State Law Updates | Mar 05, 2023

Pay Transparency Expectations for Your Company

Last Updated on March 8, 2023 Employers Continue to Prepare for Pay Transparency As the number of places that require pay transparency rises, it’s clear that the trend of pay transparency is not going away. Just because the state you’re operating in doesn’t yet require disclosing salary or pay equity information, it’s advised that you […]

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DOL | Feb 16, 2023

Department of Labor Guidance on Telework and FMLA

Last Updated on January 16, 2024 DOL Eligibility Rules Under FMLA When Employees Telework The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has published a Field Assistance Bulletin (FAB) that includes guidance on how to apply eligibility rules under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) when employees telework or work away from an employer’s facility. FABs […]

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Affordable Care Act | Dec 15, 2022

Final Forms & ACA Instructions For 2022

Last Updated on December 15, 2022 Final Forms and Instructions for 2022 ACA Reporting Updates to 2022 ACA forms and instructions The 2022 forms are essentially unchanged from the prior year. The instructionshave been updated to include the permanent, 30-day automatic extension oftime for furnishing statements to individuals under Sections 6055 and 6056.Due to this […]

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Federal Law Updates | Dec 06, 2022

Tips for Training Managers on FMLA Compliance 

Last Updated on January 16, 2024 What is the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)? The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law providing eligible employees of covered employers with unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons. FMLA compliance is crucial for employers to avoid significant penalties. In general, eligible […]

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Employee Benefits | Nov 30, 2022

Employer Information About Pay Transparency

Last Updated on November 30, 2022 Pay transparency is when an employer openly communicates pay-related information through established practices to current or prospective employees. Employers can provide this information through various channels, such as online job sites, job postings or during an interview. As a result of changing labor markets, more and more employees are […]

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Affordable Care Act | Nov 08, 2022

2023 ACA Compliance Checklist

Last Updated on September 14, 2023 ACA Requirement Changes Taking Effect in 2023 Changes to some ACA requirements will take effect in 2023 for employers sponsoring group health plans. To prepare for 2023, employers should review these requirements and develop a compliance strategy. Employers should ensure that their health plan documents, including the summary of […]

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COVID-19 | Sep 18, 2022

Is Long Covid-19 Still Affecting The Workplace?

Last Updated on September 18, 2022 Long COVID-19 Is Keeping Up to 4 Million Workers Out of Labor Market Long COVID-19—long-term effects stemming from COVID-19 infection—continues to impact the labor market and the health of employees. The U.S. Census Bureau’s June to July 2022 Household Pulse Survey found that 16.3 million working-age Americans currently have […]

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Hiring | Sep 05, 2022

Form I-9: Don’t Make These Mistakes

Last Updated on September 7, 2023 Common Form I-9 Mistakes to Avoid Despite employers’ best efforts, complying with Form I-9 requirements can be difficult. Unfortunately, many employers leave their organizations’ Form I-9 operations to untrained staff or fail to dedicate sufficient time and resources to the process, resulting in numerous errors and untimely completion of […]

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Employment Screening | Aug 21, 2022

A Checklist for Completing Form 1-9

Last Updated on August 21, 2022 Download This Form I-9 Checklist Federal law requires employers to hire only individuals who may legally work in the United States—either U.S. citizens or authorized foreign nationals. To comply with the law, employers must verify the identity and employment authorization of each individual they hire by completing and retaining […]

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Employment Screening | Aug 17, 2022

DHS Proposes Permanent Rule Allowing Remote Verification of Form I-9 Documents

Last Updated on October 15, 2023 The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement have recently proposed a permanent rule to allow employers to remotely review the Employment Eligibility Verification form (Form I-9) identity and employment authorization documents when hiring, reverifying or rehiring employees. (Note on July 23, 2023, DHS revised the […]

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Affordable Care Act | Aug 03, 2022

ACA Pay or Play Affordability Percentage Decreased for 2023

Last Updated on August 3, 2022 On Aug. 1, 2022, the IRS issued Revenue Procedure (Rev. Proc.) 2022-34 to index the contribution percentages in 2023 for determining the affordability of an employer’s plan under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). For plan years beginning in 2023, employer-sponsored coverage will be considered affordable if the employee’s required contribution for […]

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Affordable Care Act | Jul 27, 2022

DHS Proposed Rule Would Amend Section 1557 Sex Discrimination Regulations

Last Updated on July 27, 2022 On July 25, 2022, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a proposed rule that would revise existing regulations for the Section 1557 nondiscrimination protections under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The proposed rule is intended to solidify protections against discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual orientation […]

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Employee Benefits | Jul 22, 2022

Early Preparation Is Crucial For 2023 Open Enrollment

Last Updated on July 22, 2022 Early open enrollment prep can be an opportunity for retention by putting employee needs first. The job market is still dealing with the after-effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Workers are taking stock of their circumstances and considering which employment perks matter the most. Specifically, employees are increasingly more concerned […]

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Workforce Management | Jul 21, 2022

Things to Know When Hiring In Other States

Last Updated on November 3, 2023 Hiring Across State Lines Means Multi-State Compliance These days as an employer, hiring looks different. The world is your oyster, meaning the recruitment pool is nationwide. We are no longer limited by location to find the talent that can help our business to become more successful. However, hiring in […]

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EEOC | Jul 18, 2022

New Updates To EEOC Covid Workplace Policies

Last Updated on July 18, 2022 As of July 12, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) updated its Technical Assistance Questions and Answers on COVID-19 testing and vaccine in the workplace. Employers now need to show that mandatory COVID-19 testing of employees is job-related and consistent with business necessity, as defined by the ADA. In determining […]

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COBRA | Jul 08, 2022

COBRA Lawsuits Have Increased – Reach Out For COBRA Assistance!

Employers are seeing an increase in lawsuits from former employees alleging deficient Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) election notices. These lawsuits are generally class actions and can result in significant attorneys’ fee awards for successful ex-employees. Strategies to eliminate this problem can be found here.

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Federal Law Updates | Jul 07, 2022

Form 5500 Deadline Coming Up In August!

Last Updated on July 12, 2022 Form 5500 Is Due By Aug. 1, 2022 For Calendar Year Plans. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration, the IRS and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. previously announced changes to the Form 5500 Annual Return/Report of Employee Benefit Plan and Form 5500-SF Short Form Annual Return/Report of […]

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Employment Screening | Jul 06, 2022

Virtual 1-9 Employment Verification Possible

Last Updated on July 6, 2022 DHS to Propose Permanent Remote Form I-9 Verification Rule The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently announced it plans to issue a proposed rule that would allow employers to verify employee identity and employment eligibility documentation virtually “in certain circumstances or with respect to certain employers” when completing Form […]

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Hiring | Jul 05, 2022

Retain And Attract Talent By Providing A Culture Of Learning

Last Updated on July 5, 2022 Every business and HR pro knows that the competition for top talent is tough. We’ve discovered a strategy that helps the whole employee, mentally and also professionally. We’ve discovered something that will make employees really want to stay long-term. People want to work for companies that are invested in […]

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Federal Law Updates | Jun 29, 2022

Proposed Overtime Rule Expected in October 2022

Last Updated on June 29, 2022 In its recent spring regulatory agenda, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced its plans to issue a proposed overtime rule in October 2022. According to the agency’s regulatory agenda, this proposed rule is expected to address how to implement the exemption of executive, administrative and professional employees from […]

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