Supplementing Internal HR: Key to Human Resources Compliance

Last Updated on November 28, 2023

In the realm of business operations, the domain of Human Resources (HR) holds a pivotal role. For many businesses, there’s a tendency to manage HR tasks internally, believing that it offers more control, reduced costs, and a personalized touch. While these intentions are commendable, the truth is that the intricate landscape of human resources compliance often means your internal resources are not enough without additional HR support. Let’s unravel why.

The Ever-shifting Quicksand of Human Resource Compliance

The regulations that define HR compliance at both federal and state levels are not static. Like the seasons, they change, evolve, and transform. Many companies have one person trying to juggle multiple roles and staying updated with every nuance of HR’s changes which becomes a monumental task.

For businesses that stretch across state lines, the challenge multiplies. Each state might have its twist on a regulation or introduce entirely new mandates. Tracking these and ensuring alignment becomes an exhaustive effort. This results in maintaining items such as employee handbooks unwieldy when not performed by experienced HR professionals.

Understanding The Depth and Breadth of HR

HR is a colossal iceberg, with hiring and firing being just the tip. Dive deeper, and you find layers of specialties. Every layer demands its own set of compliance standards. These standards can range from addressing employee issues to properly administering different HR related forms.

Even a minor missed regulation can have catastrophic results. A single overlooked regulation, an outdated form, or a misinterpreted mandate can lead to penalties. For example, simply not following the Form I-9 instructions properly can result in fines of up to $2,701 per Form I-9. It is important for companies to ensure they have HR experts that keeps up with the details and ensures they are using the most up to date resources.

The Costly Affair of Non-Compliance

It’s not just about the immediate financial repercussions. A compliance mishap can scar a company’s reputation, making it challenging to attract premier talents and retain trust.

Beyond immediate fines, businesses face potential lawsuits from employee grievances stemming from non-compliance. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) received 73,485 charges of workplace discrimination in FY 2022 (19% more than in FY 2021). They also secured over $381.7 million for victims of discrimination. Such battles not only drain financial resources but can also tarnish brand equity.

Why Outsourcing Human Resources Compliance is Gold

By partnering with an external HR agency, businesses have a defense mechanism. These professionals live and breathe regulations, ensuring that the business remains ahead of the curve. In addition to staying compliant, HR agencies also ensure efficient administrative processes, benefiting both employees and management. Specialized HR professionals can seamlessly handle these tasks, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

Wrapping Up

The risks of overlooking a minute detail, not updating protocols timely, or misinterpreting a new state-specific regulation are too significant to ignore. Such mistakes can lead to substantial fines, protracted legal battles, and a smeared brand image.

In the world of HR, the best intentions, when not complemented with expertise, can lead to inadvertent pitfalls. Businesses must recognize the immense value brought by utilizing specialized HR professionals such as MyHRConcierge to support your internal HR team for compliance, as well as, efficient and streamlined operations.

Contact MyHRConcierge Today For The Support Your HR Team Needs

Let MyHRConcierge’s SHRM certified HR consultants help ensure you stay compliant in the ever-changing Human Resources environment. Contact us at , 855-538-6947 ext 108 or schedule a consultation below: