Why HR Is Essential During A Crisis Like COVID-19

Last Updated on March 23, 2020

HR professionals are more important than ever during a crisis!

We know that in a normal working routine absent of COVID-19 response, Human Resources (HR) is critical.

HR professionals, help to establish policy and inter-office protocols, support in a problem solving and human culture of employment, and stand alongside employers as they handle unusual and ever-changing issues within their workforce.

In a typical routine, HR assists with hiring and onboarding, terminations, handbook creation, labor law assistance and notifications, COBRA administration and so much more.

During an Emergency, HR is a critical piece to your team.

As humans, we are dealt with many things in emergency that can trigger a fight or flight response. Sometimes causing us to react instead of reason. HR professionals, help to slow that reaction and think beyond the personal and emotional solution. HR assists by looking to guidelines that you have set up and standing behind you to reinforce your workforce policies and protocols when needed.

Don’t wait until a crisis to establish your Healthy HR policies.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, we are facing a new level of HR necessity. Laws are literally changing by the hour, and employers will have to deal with the fall out of layoffs, and telecommuting issues, and more.

We have seen many clients who regretted not taking HR within their business seriously. There are many ways to approach the establishment of HR departments. Outsourcing HR is a viable and very affordable option for many small to medium size businesses. Risk of fines for compliance negligence, and litigation can be avoided with assistance of an HR expert.

MyHRConcierge provides steadfast support during COVID-19

When a crisis like COVID-19 happens, is when we have come together to support our clients. We hope you have benefitted from our COVID-19 content. We are working hard to give you the best information possible and bring clarity to these challenging times. This is a journey and we want to be there to help you all the way through.

While COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of Human Resources, it is really needed every day. Whether it is an employee issue, a new law or a pandemic. Human Resources is important to help employers maintain a healthy culture and reduce the risk of lawsuits.

It is apparent that outside of the normal workforce challenges employers face, the COVID-19 legislation will add additional requirements – new policies, postings, guidance on how to administer the Emergency Leave and Emergency Paid Sick Leave and much more.

Whether it is a normal Wednesday afternoon or during a pandemic, we are here to help you. To our clients, we appreciate your loyalty and we are here to help you with your COVID-19 needs and any future needs as well.

If you are not a client, we would love for you to become one. We have a wide variety of services we can provide you to fit your needs, reduce your HR burden and most importantly sleep better at night.  Please contact us at 855-538-6947 ext 108, we would love to talk with you.

Stay Healthy,

Your MyHRConcierge Team