It Makes Sense for Your Business to Outsource HR

Last Updated on November 21, 2023

Outsourcing HR needs is a smart answer for the new and more complex workplace

Let’s face it, the workplace has changed. It’s our job as employers and human resource providers to adapt with it. Outsourcing HR is a smart option. In today’s environment of regulations and litigation, it is important to ensure that your company stays in compliance with state and federal workforce regulations. This risk makes having an experienced HR resource more important than ever.

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) often struggle to have internal HR resources that can meet their administrative and advisory needs. Small companies have to deal with their smaller budgets, which can be difficult from a staffing perspective. In addition, some situations can be very tricky which can be above their realm of experience. Especially when you have to comply with federal laws such as ACA, FMLA, COBRA, ERISA and many more. Failure to comply with these laws can lead to significant fines.

Outsource HR Fundamentals to Avoid Costly Mistakes

Another challenge to SMBs is performing the administrative tasks associated with HR. Due to its regulatory nature, it is very important that required forms are filled out and maintained appropriately. Failure to do so can lead to significant fines. For example, incorrectly filling out I-9 forms can lead to penalties of over $2,000 per form.  Hiring staff that has the ability to ensure the required paperwork is filled out and filed appropriately can oftentimes be daunting.

A good way to ensure a SMB has a properly trained HR resource is to review the current internal HR resources and determine where there may be gaps in their current department’s abilities. By doing  an HRHealthCheck those gaps are identified and a resource can be found to assist in filling those gaps.

Keep the Human in HR for the most effective solution

We would caution is that there are many that believe that implementing an HR software is the answer. While an HRIS system can be beneficial in administrative tasks, there still must be a human that manages the system and ensure tasks are being completed. Therefore, while an HRIS is an important piece of the puzzle, it is typically not the answer by itself. We believe that in the realm of dealing with humans, there is no more powerful resource than a knowledgeable HR professional (that is also a living and breathing human).

Things to consider before you outsource:

  • What is your budget for outsourcing HR?
  • Are your primary needs administrative, advisory or both?
  • Is the outsource firm familiar with my state’s laws?

MyHRConcierge can provide your internal HR team with the resources they need to keep your company compliant.

If you have any questions regarding outsourcing your HR or would like additional information, please contact Chris Cooley at 855-538-6947 ext 108 or You can also visit our website at