DOL Announces Public Education Campaign to Promote Workplace Mental Health Support

Last Updated on May 2, 2022

DOL Launches “Mental Health at Work: What Can I Do?”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently unveiled the “Mental Health at Work: What Can I Do? public education campaign, which promotes mental health friendly workplaces.

The DOL launched the campaign to help inform individuals—from entry-level staff to CEOs—about how they can personally promote mental health and foster well-being in their workplaces. Actions include setting a positive tone for inclusivity and being supportive of colleagues.

Mental health is a growing national concern; approximately 1 in 5 U.S. adults reported having a mental health condition during the pandemic, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

“As America recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health friendly workplaces will be more important than ever.”

-U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh

Campaign Resources for Workplaces

The “Mental Health at Work: What Can I Do?” campaign features a video public service announcement, which will be broadcast nationally on television and radio. The campaign also features other resources for workplaces to use, including:

What Should Employers Expect Regarding Workplace Mental Health

Mental health continues to be a significant area of concern for both employers and their employees. The DOL’s “Mental Health at Work: What Can I Do?” campaign provides workplaces with ways to address mental health concerns in a productive way.

Employers interested in learning more about supporting employees with mental health concerns should visit the DOL campaign’s website. The site includes links to download campaign materials and a host of other employer resources.

Independently, employers can continue to stay aware of mental health trends in the aftermath of the pandemic shut down in articles such as this.

Consult with MyHRConcierge Regarding Workplace Mental Wellness