More HR Challenges Ahead For 2022.

Last Updated on January 27, 2022

Riding the wave of “The Great Resignation”

The staffing and talent shortage, often now referred to as the Great Resignation, is making it challenging for organizations to find quality employees to fill vacant roles. To mitigate the effects of this shortage, HR leaders must devise more effective strategies for evaluating talent. 

Once hired, the challenge continues as companies shift focus to retain their employees and break the cycle of resignation.

During the past two years of the pandemic, organizations across the globe transitioned to hybrid and remote work. Even though many organizations are considering a return to the office in some form in the future, this new trend is here to stay. The majority (92%) of companies polled (Gartner Consulting) expect some employees to continue working remotely. 

In light of this trend, HR departments must set up for remote work. This will continue to require HR leaders to change the way they manage employees to maintain productivity and a high level of communication in 2022 and beyond.

As we look in the rear-view mirror at 2021, and into 2022, what are some areas that we should prioritize in HR this year?

1.  Finding Talent During A Shortage

The global talent shortage, often now referred to as the “Great Resignation,” is making it challenging to find quality employees to fill vacant roles left in the wake of the recent pandemic years. To combat the effects of this shortage, HR leaders must devise effective strategies for evaluating talent. This work may include skills tests and remote interview practices. Along with this, employee screening is essential. By knowing who you are hiring, you can prevent future problems such as negligent hiring (link) or negligent retention.

80% of employee turnover is due to bad hiring decisions!

-Harvard Business Review

2. Building Critical Skills

Recognize any skills gap left from job vacancies. In response, HR leaders and employers can help to train or supplement these skills from within. This can be positioned to encourage growth from existing employees. After filling skill gaps from within first, employers will have a better handle on job descriptions for new positions that will need to be filled.

3. Fostering A Healthy Work Environment

With changes in working styles, including more remote possibility, employees need to feel that they have a stable and healthy work environment. Employees want a high level of workplace safety, sustainable average stress levels and healthy communication.

For companies adopting a hybrid model, maintaining physical safety can be guided through trusted protocols against Covid-19 or even OSHA’s Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS).  

Recognize that stress and burnout are real. For ongoing productivity and retention, HR leaders must address individual employee concerns on their stress and burnout levels. For emotional well-being, they must create a working environment that is collaborative and provides psychological safety.

4. Improving Diversity, Equity And Inclusion (DEI)

According to a recent Gartner survey, 35% of HR leaders will prioritize diversity, equity and inclusion in the coming year. Organizations across virtually every industry will strive to become more aware of DEI-related issues to create an inclusionary working environment.

These entities are facing internal and external pressures to become more diverse, so improving DEI is considered one of the top human resources issues of 2022.

HR staff can provide employees with development opportunities to learn more. Through employee communications, other team members can learn how to embrace DEI initiatives.

HR leaders who effectively prepare for these challenges will help their organizations create a productive and diverse workforce.

5. Improve communication about company policies
As changes happen, it is important to amend these communications to reflect corporate policy. Writing these policies is a proactive way to mitigate any future confusion.

This may include COVID-19 vaccination policies, compensation (both financial and otherwise), protection, and workplace safety. With properly worded policies, your employees will always know what their roles and duties are. across your company.

Use your handbook as a means to communicate workplace policies.
An updated handbook is important to establish a healthy workplace and also to prevent any future employee discrepancies or confusion. Many companies are adding policies that are resulting from the pandemic and situations that have evolved, such as remote work policies.

Updating your employee handbook can protect your business In these ways:

  • Mitigation of exposure due to employment-related lawsuits.
  • Provides an easy reference guide so employees understand the benefits you provide.
  • Creates a professional image to your employees that differentiate you from your competitors.
  • Creates confidence within the workplace that your employees know what is expected of them.

As you look to this challenging time for employers, it is essential to work confidently with an expert HR professional. Even companies that staff an HR department are finding that outsource HR opportunities, such as handbook services and HR Helplines, can provide support and legal safety.