California Labor Law Poster Changes

California state labor laws have changed. Make sure that your labor law posters are compliant with these changes.

Last Updated on August 22, 2022

Update Your California and Federal Workplace Labor Law Posters

New Labor Law Poster Changes

FFCRA Paid Time Off Law: Covered Employees in the public or private sector who work for employers with more than 25 employees are entitled to up to 80 hours of COVID-19 related sick leave from January 1, 2021 through September, 2021, immediately upon an oral or written request to their employer.

Affected California employers must post these changes on their labor law posters to inform their employees of their current rights in the workplace.

Other Labor Law Poster Mandatory Updates

The 2021 California and Federal Labor Law poster includes mandatory updates effective January 1, 2021:

  • California Minimum Wage notice
  • EDD’s Notice to Employees
  • Family Care and Medical Leave and Pregnancy Disability Leave notice
  • Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee notice
  • California Law Prohibits Workplace Discrimination and Harassment notice

Purchase Updated English and Spanish Labor Law Posters for California

All businesses in the United States are required to display state and federal labor law posters in your workplace. Meeting these requirements will help you maintain compliance with labor laws.

MyHRConcierge’s Labor Law Poster + Compliance Plan, available in both English and Spanish, ships you a compliant poster and will ship you a new one if there is a labor law change within a year of your order. We guarantee that our California poster will be compliant with state and federal laws.