Business Hiring Process Reflects COVID-19 Safety

Last Updated on July 27, 2020

Hiring During COVID-19 Safety Mandates

The coronavirus (COVID-19) is continuing to affect the world and many businesses are taking significant measures to mitigate the spread of the disease, including cancelling major conferences, enforcing employee travel bans, and encouraging employees to work from home.

As the numbers increase in many areas, employers continue to take steps to ensure the safety of their employees, while trying to maintain any sense of “business as usual.” A very real challenge for employers is the hiring or re-hiring of new workers.  So why don’t we just halt the hiring process, you say? Stopping hiring completely for an extended period of time could have negative effects on business, and employees are concerned about that very outcome.

Employers will continue to take steps to adjust with the outbreak. You see all sorts of communications from different organizations reminding people to wash their hands, supplying hand sanitizer and many encouraging people to continue to work remotely from home.

As efforts are made to keep current staff healthy, organizations are also looking to protect prospective employees by putting special policies in place for the hiring process.

The coronavirus is already having an impact on job seekers, as organizations place more extreme measures on safety and modify the hiring process to protect the well-being of everyone.

How Can An Employer Adapt Hiring To Respect Safety and Social Distancing During These Pandemic Times?

1. Use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Safety and proper distance during these times is important, but we know that  applicants for jobs can become put-off by anything that is more effort for them. Using an easy applicant tracking system such as MyHire that works seamlessly with mobile devices from the application and hiring process will help.  A candidate can easily “text to apply” which eliminates a lag in interest.  Not only is this process safer during these challenging times, but also convenient for both the applicant and the employer. The process is also trackable by the employer and allows for easy follow up by email for the employer.  Some systems such as the MyHire ATS will also notify the employer about the potential about Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) credit for certain candidates. All of this information is supplied within the application process.

2. Video interviews replacing face to face.

Once a candidate is chosen as a potential prospect, an interview is typically done. To prevent any possible spread of the virus, organizations are shifting from in-person interviews to zoom type video calls.

“We’re definitely seeing companies turn to remote communication in the wake of this virus, and it makes sense that they could start using these tools for job interviews instead of meeting with people in person,” said Brie Weiler Reynolds, career development manager and coach at FlexJobs.  Employers may be inclined to invite applicants for remote interviews rather than bringing them into the office, just to be safe. If an in-person interview is required, be prepared for screening methods to be required such as having temperature taken, and wearing a mask.

3. Onboarding distantly and seamlessly

During this challenging time, the employee onboarding process will feel different for many. Finding a way to continue safe business practices while the candidate uploads documents is important. Using an effective mobile onboarding component of your application tracking system is one way this can happen while maintaining safety and compliance.

By using a system like MyHire, management tracking of the onboarding process is easy and uploading documents is as easy as using a picture taken with a mobile device. With the tracking process, the employer has 24/7 access to see if the new hire has completed submission of documents or has forgotten to finish the process. This alleviates missing pieces that can disrupt the hiring of an employee in a timely manner. Emails can then be sent from the employer to communicate seamlessly.

4. Ease of communication is even more important

Regardless of the avenue companies take, the key is to remain transparent and communicate to all parties involved. Because of the nature of this challenging time, email and other digital methods are replacing face-to-face communication but that doesn’t have to mean giving up a quality experience.

Luckily people are going to be fairly understanding, and realize that the outbreak has been disruptive. Communication about the process and adjustments in moving to a more remote and mobile process will help ease everyone’s mind.

The Coronavirus Crisis has created a new challenges in hiring. For more information on the myHIRE application tracking system, or HR practices during the COVID-19 crisis, contact MyHRConcierge at 1-855-538-6947 x.108 or email