Updated Model COBRA Notices & Frequently Asked Questions

Last Updated on October 5, 2020

. WAU.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Issues New Model Notices for COBRA

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has issued new model notices for group health plan administrators to use to comply with COBRA notification requirements, the agency announced on May 1, 2020.

Plan administrators are not required to use the updated model notices. However, the DOL generally considers their use—with the addition of appropriate plan information—to be good faith compliance with COBRA’s content requirements for:

  • The general notice of coverage continuation rights, which must be provided to each employee and spouse within 90 days of coverage; and
  • The notice of a qualified beneficiary’s right to elect continued coverage. This must be provided within 14 days after receiving notice of a qualifying event.

Updates and FAQs Address Medicare-COBRA Interactions

As explained in a set of answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) the DOL also issued on May 1, 2020, the updated model notices aim to help qualified beneficiaries better understand the interactions between Medicare and COBRA.

Specifically, the updated models indicate that there may be advantages to enrolling in Medicare before, or instead of, electing COBRA. They also highlight that if an individual is eligible for both COBRA and Medicare, electing COBRA coverage may impact enrollment into Medicare and certain out-of-pocket costs.

Additional details about Medicare and COBRA enrollment options are also included in both the FAQs and updated model notices.

DOL Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

The DOL’s FAQs explain more about the updated models and various options for COBRA and Medicare enrollment.

Get Help With Cobra Compliance For Your Business

MyHRConcierge provides COBRA compliance, administration, and support services for small- and medium-sized businesses with COBRACompli. We report to you on all COBRA activity. We also provide guidance in order to make sure you remain compliant at all times.

For more information on COBRACompli, contact Chris Cooley at 1-855-538-6947 x108 or email at ccooley@myhrconcierge.com.