The Right Time and Attendance Solution: Like Drinking Hot Chocolate in the Office

Last Updated on April 8, 2019

By DeAnna Martindale, Director of Sales and Operations, Time Rack

You don’t have to be a retailer to feel a little stress around staffing levels as the holiday season approaches. Small and mid-sized businesses of every variety have their own version of the holiday crush, managing a blizzard of requests for time off amid other year-end responsibilities and demands.

Beyond seasonal pressures, there is record low unemployment to contend with. It’s beginning to look a lot like … everyone’s looking to retool their processes for recruiting, onboarding, training, scheduling (and paying!) their employees.

Unless you’re selling Christmas trees, it’s not enough to have a plan for one big rush of short-term hires. You need to get through the holidays like everyone else, but what you really need are employee solutions that will work for you long after the partridge has left the pear tree.

The good news is, no matter where you are in your seasonal planning, it’s not too late to start making a list of what you really need. Another cup of hot chocolate and a heated blanket? Sure. But you know what would be really relaxing?  A set of solutions that that will bring you stress-free benefits year-round.

4 Time and Attendance Solutions for Year-Round Stress Relief:

  1. Fast, efficient time keeping
    Manual, paper-clogged time and attendance tracking slows everything down for employee and employer alike.  When you’ve finally landed the right employee, you need a time and attendance system you can both rely on and that doesn’t leave them thinking your processes are so last season. State-of-the-art time and attendance software creates efficiencies that roll over into other HR related systems. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.
  2. Streamlined Compliance Reporting
    The right time and attendance software does the work for you, with settings that can capture the data needed for things like  ACA’s PBJ reporting for healthcare, meal and break time compliance and alerts, government invoicing and a wide variety of internal reporting, like project-based accounting.
  3. Overtime Tracking and Controls
    Get a handle on your overtime expenses and get the peace of mind that comes from having the records you need to maintain and show compliance with wage and hour laws. Faulty record-keeping can leave you with little defense against expensive overtime claims. Plus, proactive alerts can assist with your overtime management and scheduling.
  4. Mobile Time and Attendance Tracking
    Keep up with your employees no matter where they report for work. Mobile time and attendance app and features like Geofencing  ensures that remote employees are working where they should be without being able to abuse the time and attendance system by clocking in from their couch.

Year-Round Solutions that Works for You

MyHRConcierge partners with Time Rack because they believe Time Rack is a proactive time clock solution that meets the unique needs of various industries. Your year-round solution should include simplifying the time tracking process for your company and alerting problems in advance with the purpose of saving you time and money.

Time Rack is a part of Financial Business Group (FBG) Holdings family of companies. Along with Time Rack’s sister companies, PTM and Cachet Financial Services, FBG Holdings offers a landscape of payroll solutions that include payroll tax management and ACH direct deposit payroll processing.


Time Rack® provides a cloud-based time and attendance and HR software that streamlines workforce management and minimizes data entry and calculation errors. Time Rack meets the needs of any organization, being robust and customizable for large organizations, yet economical for small businesses. Time Rack time tracking software integrates with Thomson Reuters Accounting CS and myPay Solutions, and also has the ability to generate payroll file bridges for any payroll software provider. Time Rack is ideal for time tracking in any industry, including the fields of hospitality, construction, healthcare, staffing, retail, and other industries with a mobile workforce. Time Rack is a wholly owned subsidiary of FBG Holdings.

DeAnna Martindale is the Director of Sales and Operations for Time Rack.  She oversees product management, client growth, and delivery of exceptional customer service. Throughout her career, DeAnna has worked with organizations across a wide range of industries – from professional auto racing and airlines, to manufacturing and local government. DeAnna has a degree in business administration and when she’s not working, she enjoys travelling, photography, creating stained glass artwork, and volunteering in her community.