Labor Law Poster Updates in June and July 2018

Last Updated on November 28, 2018

Below is a chart outlining the labor law poster updates for June and July 2018. If you have a need to update your labor poster, you can CLICK HERE to order an updated Federal and State compliant poster.

Status Codes:

M = Mandatory Update Required

Non = Non-Mandatory Update

Date State Poster Updated Content Changed Status
Jul-18 TX Notification of the Ombudsman Program Updated to remove notification information as well as to add a new logo and revised contact information. M
Aug-18 New York City, NY New York City Labor Law Poster Updated to include Sexual Harassment notice to the poster. M
Jul-18 New York City, NY New York City Labor Law Poster Updated to include temporary schedule change notice to the poster. M
Jul-18 AZ Discrimination Notice Poster completely re-designed with new addresses and revised phone numbers. M
Jul-18 CA Unemployment Insurance Extensive change to the notice to clarify who is able to receive unemployment insurance benefits, disability insurance benefits and paid family leave as well as how to file a claim. M
Jul-18 CA EDD Notice to Employees Revision to simplify the language on how to file an unemployment claim as well as who qualifies for unemployment insurance benefits. M
Jul-18 CA Transgender Rights in the Workplace Updated to include revised language on employer’s obligations when it comes to providing adequate restroom, shower, and locker room facilities for transgender individuals. M
Jul-18 CA Discrimination Updated to adjust a few words for clarification and added a new revision date. M
Jul-18 SC Equal Opportunity is the Law Updated with more information on the federal financial assistance law, how the recipient of federal assistance must act, as well as revised contact information. Non
Jul-18 SC SC Labor Law Abstract Grammatical and clerical changes. M
Jul-18 SC SC OSHA Revised Contact information to add a new phone number, e-mail and addresses for employers. M
Jul-18 SC Discrimination Complete redesign which includes pregnancy as a protected class, new ways to report discrimination and additional EEOC requirements for housing and public accommodations. M
Jul-18 VT Employment Protections for Victims of Crime New Employment Protections for Victims of Crime notice which allows employees who are victims of crime to take time off. M
Jul-18 MD Minimum Wage Revised to highlight current minimum wage (which is already on the posters) and to add a new revision date. M
Jul-18 Montgomery, MD Minimum Wage Revised to add new minium wages for employers with less than fifty employees and for those with over fifty employees. M
Jul-18 Cook County, IL Minimum Wage Updated with new tipped wage and effective date. M
Jun-18 Chicago, IL Minimum Wage Added new 2018 tipped rate effective July 1, 2018. M
Jun-18 KY Wage Discrimination Because of Sex Update includes a variety of technical changes including a new phone number, information about where to find the applicable law and a new revision date amongst other changes. Non
Jun-18 GA Unemployment Insurance Minor update which includes the addition of an unemployment insurance website, Covington and Atlanta as new offices, and an adjusted revision date. M
Jun-18 CA Discrimination Notice Minor update that adjusted a few words for clarification and added a new revision date. Non
Jun-18 Emeryville, CA Minimum Wage Updated with new Minimum Wage of $15.69 per hour for large business and $15.00 per hour in small business with new effective date, July 1 2018. M
Jun-18 Milipitas, CA Minimum Wage Updated with new minimum wage of $13.50 per hour and new effective date July 1, 2018. M
Jun-18 KY Child Labor Poster Poster revised to add additional information about the working restrictions for minors aged 16 & 17. Also several minor formatting adjustments were made. M
Jun-18 VI Minimum Wage Updated to reflect new 2018 minimum wage rate of $10.50 per hour effective 6/1/2018. And New Tipped rate of $4.20. M
Jun-18 NV Nevada Minimum Wage & Daily Overtime Bulletins Minor update includes changes to office address, contact info, new director info and poster reflects current calendar year of 2018 w/o changes to minimum wage rate. M
Jun-18 TN Workers’ Compensation Major poster revision including a new title, language on when/how to report an injury, and a new required fill-in field M
Jun-18 New York City, NY New York City Earned Safe and Sick Time Minor changes to clarify some “Safe Leave” information as well as a new revision date. Non
Jun-18 Belmont, CA Minimum Wage New posting requirement for the city of Belmont, CA, effective July 1, 2018. M
Jun-18 Pasadena, CA Minimum Wage Updated with new minimum wage rates effective July 1, 2018. M
Jun-18 Santa Monica, CA Minimum Wage Updated with new minimum wage rates effective July 1, 2018. M
Jun-18 San Leandro, CA Minimum Wage Updated with new minimum wage rates effective July 1, 2018. M
Jun-18 Los Angeles City, CA Minimum Wage Updated to show new minimum wage rates and effective date of July 1, 2018. M