Juvo Jobs Employment Network
Find Locally Sourced Talent
Having trouble keeping roles filled in an ever-shifting labor market? We’ve partnered with Juvo Jobs to help.
Juvo Jobs is a network specifically to help you find local, hourly workers. Job seekers in your geographic area will be able to find you and receive notifications about you and your business. No need to rely on remote freelancers or wait for the new hire to move across the country.
This is, as they’ve put it, “not a job board.” It’s a company that was built from the hourly workers’ perspectives to improve their lives by providing them with more opportunities. One main difference that separates Juvo Jobs from job boards is our affordability. Instead of paying per posting, you can put as many on there as you like once you sign up.

How to Find Hourly Workers Using Juvo Jobs
All you have to do is create your typical job posting with the name of the role, job description, and qualifications, and Juvo Jobs will actively push your postings toward job seekers through the app.
There’s also the option to create a 30-second video detailing what makes your company so great and why someone would want to work there.
Providing Opportunities And Convenience for Companies and Workers
There’s been a shortage in the labor market for the past couple of years, but there are still tons of people who want to work. More than ever, workers are looking for flexibility from their employers. The hourly work that you’d be offering is exactly what these people are looking for. They’ll have a good work-life balance, and you’ll be the beneficiary of a motivated workforce.