How to Make Your Hybrid Model Workplace Succeed

Last Updated on May 16, 2022

Ways that Employers Can Nurture a Combination of Remote and In-Office Employees

In today’s world, it is becoming more common for companies to have a hybrid work model—employees working both remotely and in the office. It might seem like the hybrid work model is new to the workplace, however, many companies have always worked this way. There are some areas that employers can focus on to improve and even nurture success within the workplace within a hybrid work model. These areas include:

Trust Your Employees

This isn’t the time to micro-manage, even if it feels difficult. Encourage managers to offer direction, not specific answers. To help hybrid teams succeed, managers should clearly outline the milestones they’d like their reports to hit—and then let them figure out how to get there.

Acknowledge the Small Things

Hybrid work means it’s easier to miss out on the small things that make teamwork successful.

In an office, these types of interactions happen naturally. In a remote setting, it is harder, and over time, this can lead to personnel problems. Therefore, it is important that supervisors don’t miss the small things that make a workplace successful.

When in Doubt, Communicate

While you should offer your people some freedom, you also shouldn’t shy away from communicating when in doubt. When it comes to company direction, policies and values, being clear is the smartest thing you can do. When people know what’s happening, they can make the best choices for themselves, leading to success. It’s uncertainty that is more punishing.

Screen Hybrid Employees to Prevent Pitfalls

Whether you’re currently hiring new people, or simply redesigning flexible work arrangements to accommodate current employees, it’s important to be aware of the potential pitfalls they pose for your business. Being aware of these will help you create a more successful future for your company’s new work model.

Benefits of Background Checks and Employee Screening in the Hybrid Model

Hybrid/Remote work models allow for a greater amount of flexibility. Because of this, the variations of hybrid work models between companies vary. These workplace solutions, driven by crisis, often result in blind spots and a lack of supervision. We are seeing that these blind spots are often only realized after costly damage has been inflicted.

For this reason, it’s imperative that companies with hybrid/remote work models come with updated company policies and security measures in place regarding employee work arrangements. This includes having a solid background check program. To help reduce some of these risks here are some blind spots to be aware of:

More Access With Less Supervision

Some employees who now work remotely have more access to confidential company information via cell phone, laptops, or other devices. It is important that security measures are put in place.

New Job Duties May Require Additional Background Screening

If your company downsized and reassigned job duties to another employee then the person taking over that particular job duty may need to be background checked again depending on their new job responsibilities.

For example, those employees who move into a position, or take over responsibilities that are considered “sensitive,” such as a new finance role, an expanded sales manager’s role, broader access to IT systems or R&D data, or a new HR role requiring unfettered access to employee PII data. These new roles and employees should be reassessed for updated screening. Another scenario worth mentioning is any employee whose responsibilities will now include driving on behalf of the company.

Training (Upskilling) New Skills to Current Employees

Another situation to keep an eye out for is employee upskilling. Many companies have incorporated upskilling into their evolving work models, making the financially-prudent decision to provide more training to a current employee instead of hiring someone new. In a situation like this, determine what the upskilled employee’s new job duties will include and consider a background check when warranted. For instance, if your assessment indicates they would have access to financial systems now, this may call for a credit history check, recent bankruptcy filings, liens, judgements, etc.  

Temporary/Contractor/Gig Workers

Many companies with changing work models are now opting for more cost-effective workforce solutions. When contractors, freelancers, temporary or gig workers are utilized, then a background check should always be conducted. They should be screened just like any other full-time employee working directly for your company would be.

For detailed questions about employee screening, let MyHRScreens help. Contact today to ask questions or set up an appointment.

For more information regarding COVID/HR policies during the COVID-19 crisis or assistance with other HR needs, contact MyHRConcierge at 1-855-538-6947 x.108 or email