COVID-19: Notification Requirements under the new FFCRA

Last Updated on April 6, 2020

A Question about Employee Notification Requirements Under the FFCRA

We have received many questions regarding what documentation an employer can require from an employee that is requesting paid sick leave or expanded family and medical leave.  On April 1, 2020, the Department of Labor (DOL) provided some clarification of the information an employer can require of an employee.

Under the FFCRA, an employee is required to provide their employer a signed statement that contains the following in support of paid sick leave or expanded family and medical leave:

  • Employees name
  • Date(s) for which leave is requested
  • COVID-19 qualifying reason for leave
  • Statement representing that the employee is unable to work or telework because of the qualifying reason

Additional Required Information

In addition, there is additional information that is required depending the qualifying reason for leave as follows:

Requesting Paid Sick Leave Due to Federal, State or Local quarantine or isolation order

  • Employee must provide the name of the government entity that issues the quarantine or isolation order.

Requesting Paid Sick Leave Due to the Employee being self-quarantined by a medical provider

  • Employee must provide the name of the health care provider who advised him or her to self-quarantine for COVID-19 related reasons.

Requesting Paid Sick Leave to care for an individual who is quarantined or self-quarantined

Depends on the precise reason for the request:

  • The government entity that issues the quarantine or isolation order to which the individual is subject OR
  • The name of the health care provider who advised the individual to self-quarantine

Requesting Paid Sick Leave or Expanded Family and Medical Leave to care for his or her child

  • Name of the child being cared for
  • Name of the school, place of care or child care provider that closed or became unavailable due to COVID-19 reasons AND
  • A statement representing that no other suitable person is available to care for the child during the period of requested leave

For more information regarding HR policies during the COVID-19 crisis,
COVID-19 support and information or other HR needs, contact MyHRConcierge
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