MyHRC Responds to COVID-19 | A Special Letter to Our Partners and Clients.

Last Updated on November 18, 2020

In The Wake Of COVID-19,
We Will Keep The Human In HR.

Like many others, we’re taking guidance from the CDC and have implemented measures to prevent the spread of the virus and risk of infection within our office. We’ve implemented our business continuity plan which includes our team’s ability to work remotely while minimizing any disruption to our business so we can be there for you. All of our normal communications are still available for you – phone, email and chat.

We are especially sensitive to HR challenges, and the employer’s role in this fast-changing situation around COVID-19.

We have created special and specific content around this crisis for your information, which can be found in a special COVID-19 category within our blog. As new information is available, we will continue to push it out to you. Subscribe to our employee news and alerts for the latest information regarding COVID-19.

There is no doubt we will see the landscape of human resources change in response to COVID-19. As HR professionals, we foresee new and frequent updates and information in many areas, some of these include the following:

  • Family Medical Leave Act
  • Unemployment
  • Paid Sick Leave
  • Response to Public Emergency
  • Workplace posting requirements
  • Employee Policy Notifications

We are all human, and we’re here to help.

We’ll continue to monitor new public health information on a daily basis and update you of any newly released information that will affect your business. We value your business and are committed to offering seamless service during this difficult time.

Thank you for trusting us with your HR needs.


Chris Cooley and John Yerger


For HR Support or Information, contact myHRConcierge at (855) 538-6947 x. 107 or email