Customers Speak Out
MyHRConcierge Customer Survey
We recently invited MyHRConcierge customers to share anonymous feedback about their experience with us in an online survey. Thank you to everyone who participated. We’d like to share some highlights from the survey.

Hear What Our Customers Are Saying
“100% of respondents are extremely likely to recommend MyHRConcierge to others”
“86% gave a rating of excellent or above average for the value of their MyHRConcierge solution. The remaining 16% rated MHRC average value.”
Top 7 Words and Phrases Used to Describe their MyHRConcierge Solution
- Useful
- Reliable
- Professional
- Responsive
- Efficient in helping us resolve the problem or challenge
- Knowledgeable about my business & HR challenges
- Handles follow-up well
What Does MyHRConcierge do Really Well?
“They are easily accessible and always provide me with the guidance I need to move forward with my situation”
— HRCompli + admin Services Customer
“Consultations on state unemployment appeal hearings; assisting in crafting proper state unemployment replies and requests for information”
— HRCompli Services Customer
“Made every effort to adapt to my challenges facing our business and software vendor”
— ACACompli Services Customer
“Customer service is stellar!”
— MyHRC Employee Screening Services Customer
“Our Personal HR Concierge is extremely helpful with any questions we may have concerning people. He has the highest sense of urgency of any HR I have worked with in the last 25 years”
— HRCompli + admin Services Customer
“Thanks for adding value to our business and we appreciate the team work”
— HRCompli + admin Services Customer
“Gets back to me very fast”
— ACACompli Services Customer
“Reply’s to my questions quickly”
— ACACompli Services Customer
“Quick response”
— MyHRC Employee Screening Services Customer
Are you ready for a free consultation for MyHRConcierge’s expert HR and Benefits Services? Send us a message today.